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20211013 最低工資專法保障,經濟果實全民共享

on 13 十月 2021
20211013 最低工資專法保障,經濟果實全民共享


Published in 2006

Manual for the Teaching of parliamentary procedure

Most of those people who has joined conference won’t be read the rules of procedure. That is because those people will guess that majority rules is unchanged regulation during the process of conference. Put differently, conference has provided the chances and right for minority groups to show their views. People have to obey the results of voting when different opinions flowing from different streams, then would you still need to know more about the rules of procedure?Without a doubt, it is not weird that someone who would read through all the regulations of conference, but this is never easy to finish it in all the way. Even then, those people who have plentiful experience of attending the conferences, but still may not be able to understand what meanings behind of the conference’s rules. According to our experiences, people who are more likely to focus on the rules and we can divide them as three different types of people: 1. People who have organized the conference 2. People who already be ready for taking on the job of chairman 3. People who have took advantages of the rules of procedure.

The norms of conference have so many spirits of parliamentary procedure are needed us to follow it and we could well take advantage of it during the conference. The making of rules of procedure during the conference has been depended on what nature of the norms in the conference is. You can almost find all solutions about that of solving problem within the norms of conference, so reading through the conference’s norm has its basically necessity. You can find more details about rules of procedure from Q&A section, the design of Q&A section is made by rules of procedure and the article of rules. Basically, practicality will be as first consideration to increase the effectiveness of the conference’s progression.


The rules of procedure have long been focusing on the avoiding those of conflicts and to let the process of conference could be ran smoothly. On the side of accumulating experiences, the matching between law and rules of procedure can make the conferences become as well as possible. Based on the importance of rules of procedure, the suggestion of using the rules of general assembly meeting will be providing for standard references and also to improve the efficiency of the conferences.


Besides, the chairman of conference as a key man in the meeting room, he or she would be focused on thinking all methods out for hosting the conference. Moreover, the suggestion of “Conference’s simulation” would become a references of increasing the basic cognition for those who are hosting the conference.