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20211013 最低工資專法保障,經濟果實全民共享

on 13 十月 2021
20211013 最低工資專法保障,經濟果實全民共享


Taiwan Labor Front … since 1984

The first labor activist organization 

Established under martial law - Legal Supporting Association for Taiwan Laborers (LSATL)

LSATL, the first group contributing to labor movement in Taiwan, was born under the KMT dictatorship in 1984. Its main service was to provide free legal consultation for workers to proclaim their rights. 

People Organizing- Supporting Association for Taiwan Labor Movement

After the lift of martial law in 1986, there emerged varieties of social movement in Taiwan. Among them, long-term oppressed workers first stood out and proclaimed their legitimate rights. Parrelled with the changing political situation, in 1988, LSATL then changed its name to Supporting Association for Taiwan Labor Movement. During this period, our main works focused on how to organize, educate, and connect within Labor Unions.

Society Rebuilding - Taiwan Labor Front

Taiwan is undoubtedly heading toward a new era. Political atmosphere has become democratic, however, economic development has discriminated against the interests of working class. Moreover, the marriage between capitalists and politicians has swallowed a good proportion of social resource and it has deteriorated social development. In order to incorporate changing environment to our work, in 1992, we renamed ourselves as Taiwan Labor Front, which is determined to unite workers as a political body in th interest of rebuilding a better society. 

Unchanged Goals

Although our organization has changed its name and service several times for the past years, yet unchanged have been our goals, which are to gather people's power so as to bring Taiwan toward a equal, mutual respecting, sharing, and subsistent society.

 To Build A New Society in Harmony

Strike is a current and a strategic defensive mechanism against capitalists' exploitation, not TLF's interest in labor movement. The ultimate goal of labor movement is to achieve a rationalized society. In order to achieve this goal, we aim to build a society without exploitation, where people respect and tolerate each other, and share resources equally. 

Radical Objects with Moderate Means

Our object is to achieve the society which is consisted of 

Political democracy: the equal right to political participation; 
Social democracy: the right to live, the right to work, and the right to share wealth equally; 
Economic democracy: the right of co-determination, and humanization of workplace.


Taiwan has arrived in the infancy of political democracy, however, we need to advance ourselves to the status of the ideal society. Therefore, the second stage is to achieve the welfare state where social resource is distributed equally. And the final stage is industrial democracy, which is to expand the participation in decision making. From political democracy, social democracy to economic democracy, we progressed the aspects of democracy along the line with world trend.


Labor Movement Contributing to Economic Development

Social development has to accompany with appropriate economic development. However, the intended-absent state has let capitalists in control of labor market, which results in worse work condition in exchange for their short-term profit.

 We strongly object to sacrifice people's rights in exchange for capitalists' profit. On the contrary, we demand that economic development needs to parallel with technical development, increase in productivity and overall development, so that workers and general society can both benefit from the win-win strategy.


More TLF Information

Address: 4F,No.4-2,Linsen S.Rd.,Taipei City,100,TAIWAN; 台北市林森南路4-2號4樓 


Tel: 02-2321-7648、02-2321-7940; Fax:02-2391-4232


Homepage: http//: labor.ngo.org.tw


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