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20211013 最低工資專法保障,經濟果實全民共享

on 13 十月 2021
20211013 最低工資專法保障,經濟果實全民共享


20240925  今年9月11日,50個全球知名服飾品牌商,對台灣的經濟部長郭智輝提出公開聲明,呼籲台灣在聘用移工上確保責任聘僱(Responsible Recruitment)。勞陣對此聲明表達高度關切與支持,並認同其中所提出的具體建議。這份聲明指出,部分在台灣工作的移工為了取得工作機會,在母國就必須支付高額的仲介費用,並且在抵達台灣後還需要持續支付相關費用,這些沉重的債務壓力,進而導致他們無法在惡劣的勞動環境中發聲。此外,聲明中也指出部分移工面臨惡劣的工作和生活條件,包括行動自由受限、身份文件被扣押、超時加班,以及因提出申訴、抱怨工作條件差、參與工會活動或集體談判、懷孕或試圖轉換雇主而收到遣返的威脅。




  針對現行的法律制度不足以有效追究對於人權和環境造成侵害的企業責任,也無法充分提供受害者有效救濟。因此,2023年勞陣與六個人權、勞工及環保組織共同成立了「台灣跨國企業監察(TTNC Watch)」,共同確保台灣跨國企業在海外及其供應鏈中尊重人權與環境,也將接受台灣跨國企業在海外侵害或侵犯權利者的投訴,並致力於協助其尋求救濟。此外,勞陣也開啟「拒絕強迫勞動-台灣勞動人權新使命」行動,透過講座與PODCAST的方式促進社會對話,做為下一步立法的可能。

  勞陣認為,相對於民間部門的積極行動,經濟部身為「企業與人權國家行動計畫」秘書作業幕僚機關,對於企業盡職調查、供應鏈人權法案都應有更積極態度與作為。此外,勞動部作為移工聘僱制度的主管機關,也必須主動承擔責任,建立移工公平僱用(Fair recruitment)精神的立法與制度。勞陣期盼政府應立即啟動三方對話,共同推動制度改革,建立更加公平、合乎人權的勞動環境,不僅將有助於台灣在國際市場上提升競爭力,並彰顯台灣作為人權國家的承諾,推動更具責任感的企業實踐,保障所有勞工的基本權益與勞動尊嚴。



Taiwan Labour Front Supports Global Brands' Call for Strengthening Migrant Workers' Rights Protections


On September 11, 2023, 50 globally renowned apparel brands issued a public statement addressed to Taiwan’s Minister of Economic Affairs, Mr. Kuo Jyh-huei. The Taiwan Labour Front expresses strong concern and support for this statement and agrees with the specific recommendations it outlines. The statement highlights that some migrant workers in Taiwan are required to pay exorbitant broker fees in their home countries to secure employment, and they continue to bear related expenses even after arriving in Taiwan. These heavy financial burdens prevent them from speaking out against poor working conditions. Additionally, the statement points out that some migrant workers face harsh working and living conditions, including restrictions on freedom of movement, retention of identity documents, excessive overtime, and the threat of deportation for filing complaints, protesting poor working conditions, joining unions or collective bargaining efforts, pregnancy, or attempting to change employers.


The Taiwan Labour Front emphasizes that these situations may already meet the International Labour Organization's (ILO) indicators for forced labor. If not properly addressed, Taiwan could face accusations of forced labor risks and potential international sanctions. As such, the statement offers specific recommendations, calling on the Taiwanese government to take immediate action, including banning recruitment agencies from charging fees to migrant workers, protecting workers' rights to freedom of association and union membership, simplifying the process for changing employers to ensure workers’ basic rights, and strengthening penalties against illegal recruitment agencies and employers.


Taiwan plays a crucial role in the global supply chain, and businesses in Taiwan have a significant influence in global economic activities. However, facing the challenge of labor shortages, industries in Taiwan continue to pressure the government to introduce more migrant workers, using outdated practices that lower labor conditions. This not only hampers industrial upgrading but also exacerbates the low-wage problem and exposes Taiwan to frequent international scrutiny over labor rights violations, damaging the country's image.


On December 10, 2020, Human Rights Day, Taiwan introduced its first "National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights." Based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, this plan outlines future policy directions and measures on protecting human rights related to business operations. As global trade and economic activities increasingly emphasize sustainable development and prioritize environmental, social, and corporate governance, this national-level plan will help Taiwan pursue economic growth while also upholding democratic values and social responsibility, thereby enhancing the global competitiveness of Taiwanese industries.


However, the current legal framework is insufficient to effectively hold businesses accountable for human rights and environmental violations, nor does it adequately provide victims with meaningful remedies. Therefore, in 2023, the Taiwan Labour Front, along with six other human rights, labor, and environmental organizations, jointly established the " Taiwan Transnational Corporations Watch" (TTNC Watch) to ensure that Taiwanese multinational companies respect human rights and the environment in their overseas operations and supply chains. TTNC Watch will also accept complaints from individuals who have been harmed or had their rights violated by Taiwanese multinational companies abroad, and it will work to assist them in seeking redress. Furthermore, the Taiwan Labour Front has launched the "Reject Forced Labor: Taiwan’s New Mission for Labor Rights" initiative, fostering social dialogue through lectures and podcasts as a step toward potential legislation.


The Taiwan Labour Front believes that compared to proactive actions from the private sector, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, as the coordinating body for the "National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights," should adopt a more proactive stance on corporate due diligence and human rights legislation for supply chains. Additionally, the Ministry of Labor, as the authority responsible for the migrant labor recruitment system, must take responsibility for establishing legislation and systems that uphold the spirit of fair recruitment for migrant workers. The Taiwan Labour Front hopes the government will initiate a tripartite dialogue to jointly promote systemic reforms that create a fairer and more human rights-compliant labor environment. This will not only enhance Taiwan's competitiveness in the global market but also demonstrate Taiwan's commitment as a human rights-driven nation, fostering more responsible corporate practices and protecting the basic rights and dignity of all workers.